I saw Jesus in every boy and girl, I saw him in every teenager; I saw him in the adults and the few old people that are still alive. I saw a vibrant church full of faith that testifies to who God is and His power; His faithfulness. I saw a hunger for God in His people. Passion for him.
In Uganda the church usually praises God for about four hours every time they meet. And they meet daily! They praise him with passion and testify of His power, faithfulness and miracles – sometimes even until six or eight o’clock the next morning. This church overflows with love, humility, simplicity of heart. The church in Uganda is characterised by generosity and hospitality. Their faces are full of joy! So much human warmth!
What I also saw, even in the midst of much lack and need of financial or material resources, is that their lives manifest Jesus and because they have Him, they have everything. These are not mere words, they really do live happily “the fullness of Him who fills all in all”. (Ephesians 1:23b NASB)
The church in this part of East Africa that I had the honour of meeting is a vibrant, contagious people. They exude encouragement, hope, joy, freedom in the Spirit, faith, much love, goodness, kindness and peace.
Over a period of 17 years God has given me the privilege of being part of the church in South America, North America and now in Europe. What I saw in East Africa is the revival that the world needs to see. Something that, without a doubt, will hasten the return of our Lord Jesus Christ to the Earth.
Are you willing to be a part of this move of God in Uganda, going there with all the training you have received in America and Europe, to help disciple and equip the people of God there, thereby fulfilling the commandment to go into all the earth and make disciples of all nations? Or perhaps God is asking you to support Ugandan missionaries financially in their training in other parts of the world?
A united church, strong in Him; a powerful and courageous church of the end times using everything and giving themselves for the cause of Christ. Is this not part of what Jesus prayed in chapter 17 of the gospel of John? Giving everything so that others might know Him. All for his eternal glory and so that the world would see and glorify God.
This is what I saw in Uganda. All this and much more!
Marianela Gotera
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